Assume we need to find a root of the equation f (x) = 0, called α. Consider the graph of the function f (x) and two initial estimates of the root, x0 and x1. The two points (x0,f (x0)) and (x1,f (x1)) on the graph of f (x) determine a straight line, called a secant line which can be viewed as an approximation to the graph. The point x2 where this secant line crosses the x axis is then an approximation for the root α.
This is the same idea as in Newton’s method, where the tangent line has been approximated by a secant line.
The equation of the secant line will be given by
This is the same idea as in Newton’s method, where the tangent line has been approximated by a secant line.
The equation of the secant line will be given by
y = f(x1)+(x−x1) * (f(x1)−f(x0) / x1−x0)
x2 = x1−f(x1) * (x1−x0 / f(x1) − f(x0))
Then take x1 and x2 as the next two estimates and continue the procedure. The general iteration will be given by
xn+1 = xn−f(xn) * (xn− xn-1 / f(xn) − f(xn-1))
and so on.
Advantages and disadvantages:
- The error decreases slowly at first but then rapidly after a few iterations.
- The secant method is slower than Newton’s method but faster than the bisection method.
- Each iteration of Newton’s method requires two function evaluations, while the secant method requires only one
- The secant method does not require differentiation.
Example Code:
equation x2-5
between 2 and 3
File name : newton.c
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> #define E 0.0001 float f(float x) { return (x*x)-5; } void main() { float x0,x1,x2,fx0,fx1,fx2; intctr=0; clrscr(); printf("Enter value of X0:"); scanf("%f",&x0); printf("Enter value of X1:"); scanf("%f",&x1); clrscr(); printf("\n---------------------------------------------------------"); printf("\n| SECENT METHOD |"); printf("\n---------------------------------------------------------"); printf("\n| NO\t| x0\t| f(x0)\t| x1\t| f(x1)\t| x2\t| f(x2) |"); printf("\n---------------------------------------------------------"); do { fx0=fx1=fx2=0; fx0=f(x0); fx1=f(x1); x2=((x0*fx1)-(x1*fx0))/(fx1-fx0); fx2=f(x2); printf("\n%d\t|%.3f\t|%.3f\t|%.3f\t|%.3f\t|%.3f\t|%.3f",ctr+1,x0,fx0,x1,fx1,x2,fx2); x0=x1; fx0=fx1; x1=x2; fx1=fx2; ctr++; }while(fabs(fx2)>=E); printf("\n\nx2 : %.4f",x2); getch(); }
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