Thursday, 31 March 2016

Interceptor in AngularJS

What is interceptor?

Interceptor is generally some type of filter. it is work as a filter to make any type of request and response. interceptor are monitering to perform task.

Angular JS  built in service  $http  is used to make http server requests.  More often than not you would find yourself in a situation where you would want to run hooks for the http calls, i.e execute some logic before or after the http call. For example appending the auth token  to every api request or generic http response error handling. For this $http interceptors become quite handy. One more very important use of interceptors is to log http requests made to external API’s which can be used for analytics.

The interceptors are service factories that are registered with the $httpProvider by adding them to the $httpProvider.interceptors array. The factory is called and injected with dependencies (if specified) and returns the interceptor.

There are two kinds of interceptors (and two kinds of rejection interceptors):

request: interceptors get called with a http config object. The function is free to modify the config object or create a new one. The function needs to return the config object directly, or a promise containing the config or a new config object.

requestError: interceptor gets called when a previous interceptor threw an error or resolved with a rejection.

response: interceptors get called with http response object. The function is free to modify the response object or create a new one. The function needs to return the response object directly, or as a promise containing the response or a new response object.

responseError: interceptor gets called when a previous interceptor threw an error or resolved with a rejection.

Let’s clear things with an example.

Response Interceptor

A response interceptor function takes a promise object as argument and returns the resolved promise.  The example Below handles 401 errors from the servers and does suitable error handling.  If the http request returns a success response it does not do anything. But if there is a error, it checks for the error code from the server and if its 401, redirects the user to the login page.

  1. myapp.factory('myHttpResponseInterceptor',['$q','$location',function($q,$location){ return { response: function(response){ return promise.then( function success(response) { return response; }, function error(response) { if(response.status === 401){ $location.path('/signin'); return $q.reject(response); } else{ return $q.reject(response); } }); } } }]); myapp.config(['$httpProvider',function($httpProvider) { $httpProvider.interceptors.push('myHttpResponseInterceptor'); }]);

Request Interceptor

A request interceptor function takes in a config object and returns a modified config object.  In the Example Below we are going to add a ‘auth token’ parameter to every request made to the API server.

  1. myapp.factory('httpRequestInterceptor', function ($cookieStore) { return { request: function (config) { var token = $cookieStore.get("auth"); config.url = URI(config.url).addSearch({'_auth_token':token}).toString(); return config; } }; }); myapp.config(function ($httpProvider) { $httpProvider.interceptors.push('httpRequestInterceptor'); });

  1. angular.module('MyApp', []) .config(function ($provide, $httpProvider) { $provide.factory('MyHttpInterceptor', function ($q) { return { request: function (config) { return config || $q.when(config); }, requestError: function (rejection) { return $q.reject(rejection); }, response: function (response) { return response || $q.when(response); }, responseError: function (rejection) { return $q.reject(rejection); } }; }); }); myapp.config(function ($httpProvider) { $httpProvider.interceptors.push('MyHttpInterceptor'); });

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